Archives: Ron Pearson


Ron Pearson

Ron Pearson, the plant economist, has extensive experience in the preparation of accounting in the company, is engaged in document circulation, preparation and sending of accounting and tax reports to regulators, a specialist in the preparation of training programs, an online consultant on issues of finance, accounting, and reporting. Email:, Phone: 484-995-5921

Calculating Opportunity Cost

The sunk cost can't be recovered, while the opportunity cost can play a critical role in helping to decide the company's financial future. While the company may bring in an additional $1,000 a month by leasing its building, the company may miss out o... Read more

The Difference Between Margin And Markup

Consider having the internal audit staff review prices for a sample of sale transactions, to see if the margin and markup concepts were confused. If so, determine the amount of profit lost as a result of this issue, and report it to management if the... Read more

Currency Translation Adjustments

Insurance companies like MetLife, banks, and other financial institutions have large investment portfolios. In this respect, OCI can help an analyst get to a more accurate measure of the fair value of a company's investments. The relationship between... Read more

What Is A Note Payable?

Accounts payable may be converted into notes payable upon agreement between a company and its vendor. In many cases, a company may be restricted from paying dividends or performing stock buybacks until the promissory note has been repaid. When a comp... Read more

The Best Way To Make Business Tax Payments

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers whe... Read more

Recording Notes Receivable Transactions

If the company wrote off any uncollectible accounts during 2009, it would debit Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts and cause a debit balance in that account. At the end of 2009, the company would debit Uncollectible Accounts Expense and credit Allo... Read more