Archives: Ron Pearson


Ron Pearson

Ron Pearson, the plant economist, has extensive experience in the preparation of accounting in the company, is engaged in document circulation, preparation and sending of accounting and tax reports to regulators, a specialist in the preparation of training programs, an online consultant on issues of finance, accounting, and reporting. Email:, Phone: 484-995-5921

3 Common Types Of Manufacturing Costs

The value of offsetting greenhouse gas emissions is increasingly being considered in cost–benefit analysis. For example, a 1-kW-rated PV system on the East Coast of the United States will produce energy equivalent to burning about 44 tonnes of coal d... Read more

Management Accounting

Both lifecycle costing and activity-based costing recognize that, in the typical modern factory, the avoidance of disruptive events is of far greater importance than reducing the costs of raw materials. Activity-based costing also de-emphasizes direc... Read more

Balance Sheet Accounts

Section 6 describes accounting for the derecognition of long-lived assets. Section 7 describes financial statement presentation, disclosures, and analysis of long-lived assets.... Read more

How To Prepare An Income Statement

Based on income statements, management can make decisions like expanding to new geographies, pushing sales, increasing production capacity, increased utilization or outright sale of assets, or shutting down a department or product line. Competitors m... Read more

What Is A Tax Levy?

The wage garnishment levy will remain in place until the debt is paid off, or another resolution has been negotiated. If it’s your first time your wages are being garnished, you are protected by the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The act prohi... Read more

Loan Received From Bank Journal Entry

The company assumed the risk until its issue, not the investor, so that portion of the risk premium is priced into the instrument. It is listed as revenue and current asset by the lender. Accrued interest is listed as an expense on the borrower's inc... Read more

Are Employee Loans A Good Idea?

The employer should keep a version of the loan agreement as a template. By pre-filling out fields that will often remain unchanged , the company can use the document repeatedly for any future loan agreements they enter. Discrimination issues – if an ... Read more

How Letters Of Credit Work

For example, Wells Fargo offers both commercial and standby letters of credit of up to $250,000 for small businesses with $2 million to $5 million in annual sales. A letter of credit definitely helps the financials of a deal go down smoothly, but the... Read more

How To Depreciate Leasehold Improvements

Technically, the lessee only has an intangible right to use the asset during the lease term. However, there is no real effect of using amortization over depreciation in the case of leasehold improvements. Leasehold improvements are assets, and are a ... Read more