Archives: Ron Pearson


Ron Pearson

Ron Pearson, the plant economist, has extensive experience in the preparation of accounting in the company, is engaged in document circulation, preparation and sending of accounting and tax reports to regulators, a specialist in the preparation of training programs, an online consultant on issues of finance, accounting, and reporting. Email:, Phone: 484-995-5921

Startup Burn Rate Calculator

Mark Suster suspects that most startups will spend any VC money within 12 – 18 months of investment. Burn rate will vary significantly depending on company stage, pricing model, and industry.... Read more

T2 Corporation Income Tax Return

This provision is meant to trigger PE treatment for one-owner professional service providers or self-employed consultants providing services in Canada for a significant time. The Canadian treaty creates a PE, and thus a filing requirement, in certain... Read more

What Is A Check Register?

When you balance your accounts, make sure there are no extra charges on there that you didn't authorize. If your debit card goes missing, make sure to contact your bank immediately so they can put a hold on your account.... Read more

How To Handle Outstanding Checks In Payroll

If an employee tries to cash an expired paycheck, their bank can choose whether to cash it or not. Individuals can reduce surprise withdrawals in personal accounts by using online bill payment instead of issuing paper checks. The payment goes on the ... Read more

How To Create A Small Business Budget

However, to manage a flexible budget, you’ll need a good grasp on the relationship between your revenue and spending. And don’t forget to set aside time to keep your budget up to date, as it’s more labor-intensive than a static budg... Read more

Filing Taxes As A Self Employed Canadian

Of course, it’s easy to look at a gross amount of income on a cheque and think it all belongs to you, but if you go about it that way, come tax season, you’ll be in for quite a shock. The CRA actually has a pretty good tip sheet for how m... Read more